High-Impact ECF Teachers
Effective learning experiences for every learner
The outcomes achieved by any pupil, in any classroom setting, will be the result of four key influences - the competence of the facilitators, a conducive learning environment, the confidence of the learners and a rigorous learning process. Highly effective teaching and learning is the product of significant degrees of professional analysis and reflection, it requires professionals to be innovative and to establish a set of professional beliefs that are supported by evidence.
This core programme is a virtual professional development programme that seeks to explore how a professional, within any classroom setting, can offer the most effective learning experiences for every young learner. This programme will explore effective teaching, essential pedagogical approaches and what teachers and teaching assistants can do to offer deep learning across the curriculum. For any school to improve, there is a need for professional consistency throughout, together with shared expectations around highly effective professional practice.
During this specifically designed Programme, Early Career Teachers (ECTs) will:
develop an appreciation of the content of the Early Career Framework
inquire into evidence-backed educational research around effective teaching and implications for classroom teachers
develop their teaching through practical ideas and opportunities to put professional learning in practice
reflect on their development, identify areas of strength and areas for improvement
engage in a carefully structured professional learning community (PLC), sharing of best practice and expert challenge with a community of other Early Career Teachers
This ECF programme has been specifically designed and developed around 6 key themes and 6 professional learning modules:
Theme One - Begin with the end in mind
Module 1 - How do I want to show up?
Module One explores what an individual must do to become a truly effective professional and a valuable member of any school team. The Module will consider issues around professional capital, professional accountability and professional mindset and how the attitude of any teacher is the biggest determining factor on that individual’s future success.
Module 2 - Put first things first
Module Two explores how an effective professional, in any setting, is able to prioritise and identify clear learning goals for professional growth. This session will consider the role of professional wellbeing and how an individual maintains a balance between work and life. During module 2, we will also consider the complex professional relationship that exists between a
teacher and a teaching assistant.
Theme Two - The science of teaching
Module 3 - All about expectations
Module Three explores a teacher’s expectations and the impact on pupil’s behaviour . Behaviour can take many forms and some may be more difficult to identify than others. The session will support participants in understanding the impact of challenging behaviour on pupils and teachers. The module will focus on potential causes of challenging behaviour and understand how proactive strategies could help to prevent such behaviour from occurring.
Module 4 - A classroom culture for learning
Module four seeks to consider the role of wellbeing and emotional intelligence within any classroom setting. The session will look at relationships and how these can be fostered to ensure each individual feels a sense of psychological safety to share their ‘voice’. We will explore a specific classroom technique that can be adopted to engage pupils in open-discussion around sensitive issues - Philosophy for Children.
Theme Three - Pedagogical expertise
Module 5 – Key pedagogical approaches with high impact
Module Five begins to consider pedagogy, pedagogical approaches and specific classroom techniques that have a significant impact on pupil learning. Individuals will be supported in taking a rigorous and analytical inquiry into their own classroom practice, reflecting on strengths and weakness and identifying next steps.
Module 6 - Variation within classroom practice
Module Six will consider different types of learning and how teachers and teaching assistants can plan and offer greater- depth learning experiences. This session will consider the key strategies for deeper learning and how these can be embedded within intentionally planned learning process. The session will also explore different types of learner and how we can vary practice to meet more specific needs.
This programme has been designed around three key themes:
Stage One - The Context of Self
Module 1 - Being clear from the start...A True North
Module 2 - Learning to be a leader
Issues explored include:
The type of leader I want to be
A continual process of self-improvement
Performance vs Potential
Understanding the context of a leader
Being able to articulate the complexities of your role, as a leader
A clear picture of high leadership capital
Stage Two - The Context of Role
Module 3 - Key Leadership Practices
Module 4 - Leading a successful team
Issues explored include:
Recognising leadership as an essential set of practices Leadership as a relationship
Considering the role of influence as an effective leader
Identifying different types of teams
Building a strong culture for success
Investigating how to conduct difficult conversations as part of a leadership practice
Stage 3 - The Context of Context
Module 5 - Developing a clear vision for future improvement
Module 6 - Where now?
Issues explored include:
How leaders embed effective processes for continuous improvement
Getting better at getting better - A rigorous approach to evaluation
Considering a set of new ways for future effectiveness
Creating an action plan for team improvement, using an array of resources and approaches
Outlining future trends and predictions for team leadership
Articulating what the future of leadership means for you, as a leader
Reflecting on your key learnings and takeaways from this programme
Dates: TBC
Timings : 9:30am to 11:30am
£200 P.P. (+ vat) - to include leadership e-workbook and resources
To provisionally reserve a place on this programme, please use the link below: